Which Permission Pillar Needs Your Attention?

Women have 7 core Pillars of Permission that require flow to live liberated. One, or more, can bind up, leak vital energy, and hijack flow. Let's fix that.

The Permission Place's carefully researched and designed, proprietary, 11-question quiz will point you in the right direction to being in the driver's seat of your life. Because what woman doesn't want to feel like she's bare-chested slingshotting into the life she designed?

The 7 Pillars of Permission

What Happens After the Quiz?

Discover where you're ready to harness your power

This quick assessment will get you in touch with which area of your life could use permission so you can live the life of your design.

Is your imbalance caused by too much or too little

Your top Permission Pillar is either binding, or leaking, vitality. Find out what's ripe to be harnessed and get flowin'.

Take steps

Your results will provide a doable Rx you can follow today.

Why you're experiencing this

What and how to avoid what's coming at you if you don't solve it now.

Permission Slip

Ask yourself a uniquely-designed question to put some gasoline on your permission fire.

What People Say


I implemented the recommendations from the quiz and WOW! I did them for a week straight and what a difference. I go back to them often when I need to calibrate to better flow. Thank you! Keep going with this work!


I had never thought about permission in this way before. This diagnostic nailed what's been going on for me for about the last year and a half. I was totally lost in what was going on with me and how to fix it. I feel seen and not alone anymore.


The Permission Place is fearlessly led by Meghan Kuhn, Permission Igniter & Creator of The 7 Pillars of Permission. After fifteen years of studying the optimized human, she brings her multitude of her own ass-kicking life lessons, a multitude of certifications, healing, intuitive, start-up, and corporate talent management in culmination to teach women about their relationship to Permission. Women who work with Meghan experience liberation from their personal shackles and restart their life to live in the freedom of their souls. Nothing is off-topic, no one takes up too much space, all are free to be, think, feel and believe it ALL in the presence of The Permission Place. We explore together and evolve as if our lives depend on it.


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